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Waiver services are usually government or state programs for low-income families to help them with their living and daily necessities. Waivers usually provide assistance with daily activities that include bathing, dressing, meal preparation, etc., at the point of someone's life due to aging, injury, illness, or disability.
Our commerce waiver provides services for individuals whose age is 21 or above with a medically determined diagnosis that includes traumatic brain injury and helps them remain as independent as possible.
The OBRA waiver provides services for those aged 18 to 60 with developmental, physical disabilities to help them live in the community and remain as independent as possible.
In our independence waiver program, we offer services for individuals who are of age 18 to 60 the physical disabilities to allow them to live in the community and remain as independent as possible.
Our attendant care program enables individuals aged 18 to 59 with physical disabilities to live in their own homes and communities.
As its name suggests, the aging waiver program provides services to eligible individuals who are 60 years old or older that are clinically eligible for nursing facility care.
The MLTSS or Managed Long Term Services and Supports usually refers to delivering long-term services to the clients and supports through New Jersey Medicaid's NJ FamilyCare managed care program. MLTSS is designed to expand the home and community-based services, promote community inclusion and also ensure quality and efficiency. MLTSS uses New Jersey FamilyCare managed care organizations (known as HMOs or health plans) to coordinate all the services. Currently, the NJ FamilyCare members have their acute and primary health care services and their home and community-based services coordinated by various care management agencies. MLTSS provides comprehensive and detailed services and support to its clients, whether at home, in an assisted living facility, community residential services, or in a nursing home.
The JACC is a State-funded program that offers a broad array of in-home services for individuals 60 years of age or older to enable them to remain in their community home by providing a uniquely designed package of support and services for the individual JACC delays or prevents placement in a nursing facility.
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